Loch is used daily by thousands of customers in over 400 cities and 55 countries.
Loch's first product is an institution-grade wallet reader, aggregator, and search engine. In a few seconds, Loch will tell you everything you need to know about any wallet address.
Loch has been featured on Business Insider, Coindesk, Yahoo Finance, CoinMarketCap, and The Block.
The scale and scope our services are expanding rapidly. If you're interested in learning more, please feel free to reach out to us at prithvir@loch.one.
Loch is a live across 15 of the most widely used blockchains by activity and usage.
Some of the key features:
Receive real time intelligence: Loch algorithmically generates insights to mitigate transaction costs, reduce risk, and increase yield.
CeFi or DeFi no problems: Loch is the only platform that provides extensive coverage across 1000s of DeFi protocols and the top crypto exchanges by volume.
Peace of mind and assurance: Loch informs you about token unlocks, risky assets, ponzi schemes, and other degen things you may be exposed to.
Visualize portfolio history over time: Loch’s proprietary compression algorithm enables you to visualize your portfolio historically.
Understand if your portfolio is productive or not: Are the net flows of this portfolio positive or negative? What’s the break up of the inflows and outflows across a certain time frame?
Measure your profitability per asset: Is the current value of this asset greater than the average cost basis? Should I continue dollar cost averaging? Is it time to take profits and sell?
Analyze where you’ve exchanged the most value: Anonymous alphanumeric addresses are helpful. But, using Loch’s proprietary list of thousands of counterparty entities is critical.
Analyze whale trading patterns: Loch makes it extremely simple to identify strategies of significant market participants or “whales” who have a disproportionate impact on crypto markets.