This chart reflects the price of any token held by a wallet ever. Using this chart can help you understand if a trader can buy low and sell high.
You’re analyzing a wallet address. You want to quickly grasp trading ability. Does this individual understand how to buy low and sell high? This is where the Price Gauge comes in. It allows you to visualize trading patterns in seconds. Green = “buys” and red = “sells.” If you see mostly green at valleys and red at peaks, the trader is adept—maybe a watchlist addition. Mostly red at valleys and green at peaks? That’s poor trading, but potentially another watchlist addition as a contra-indicator.
In our video example, you can see
@VitalikButerin 's $ETH trading patterns. He’s not the best trader, but that’s inconsequential for him. Remember, thorough portfolio analysis goes beyond transactions and balances. It includes all elements— inflows, outflows, returns, costs, composition, etc.