What's Loch's Leaderboard

You see a token 2x in price.
You see another token plummet by 4x overnight.
You think to yourself, how is this possible?
Most adjacent tokens are flat.
The answer is always simple -- Follow the leaderboard.
Loch’s team of sleuth’s and researchers have assiduously put together this list of the smartest money on-chain.
This is the lazy analyst’s ultimate guide to alpha.
The list is updated daily. We know it’s not enough to just look at net worth. That’s why Loch gives you the realized and unrealized PnL for each address.
You can click, analyze, and follow any or all of these addresses.
The best part of using this leaderboard is that you’ll get the confidence backed by your own increasingly successful results.
You’ll become more proficient in the most valuable skill in crypto, which is finding and analyzing leaderboard.
Loch’s team has benefited immensely from this leaderboard.
It’s your turn now.

How are addresses found?
Addresses are discovered through a combination of Loch’s in-house sleuths and Loch community members. We vet and screen all addresses added to the leaderboard personally.

How often are addresses added?
Leaderboard addresses are added every day.

What’s net worth?
Net worth refers to the sum total of all assets held by a wallet address. This does not include credit positions and debt positions held in on-chain decentralized finance platforms.

What’s Realized PnL?
Realized PnL refers to the difference between all funds that left the wallet address and all funds that entered the wallet address in the last year.

What’s Unrealized PnL?
Unrealized PnL is the sum of the (current net worth minus average cost price for each asset) held in the portfolio.

How often are PnL calculations updated?
PnL calculations are updated every week.

Should I be worried about my privacy?
No you should not be worried at all. All your information remains confidential and private. Customer data added on  app.loch.one  is not used to populate leaderboard. We don’t sell any user data to third parties.

How are leaderboard addresses ranked?
The community generated leaderboard leaderboard is ranked in descending order by net worth. Soon, you’ll be able to sort it by any of the other columns.

How long will it take for an address I added to get listed?
It can take up to a day for an address added by a community member to get listed. We vet and screen all addresses added to the leaderboard personally.